John Gray wrote a book entitled “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus”. Gray was onto something here but I feel that both sexes come from the same long lost understood planet like Pluto. Why Pluto? Well everyone knows how it feels to be exiled from the rest of the group even though you’re exactly like it.
Women are defiantly not from a different plant than men; in fact both sexes are SOOO much alike it’s down right frightening. The only single difference is women are a WHOLE lot better at making it look and seem like they’re different than men.
I was going to straight out write this in paragraph form, but because I have ADD, ADHD, can’t organize my thoughts correctly, and currently jacked up on 4 flashpoints I decided it would be easier to do a list form. So here are a few items that I’ve notice women say makes them different from men but really don’t:
• Women put a different value on sex - I have often been around girlfriends who flat out say “I am horny, I just want sex, but he wants more”. When I first heard this I couldn’t believe it, but after a few years I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s typical. However woman need to keep it on the DL because they would be called sluts; and often are by their own friends.
• Women handle situations more maturely and less aggressively - Males may fight to show dominance or disagree, but females are even worst with the fighting; but all the fighting is done behind the back. I am pretty sure even females will agree with me when I say “Females treat each other like SHIT!” To this day I am still shocked how they act towards one another, even if they are “friends”. The office setting is really bad, and I honestly feel bad for females. I think the problem stems from jealousy; women don’t just see another female in the room, they study them. From head to toe; how do I know? I’ve watched females do it; at restaurants, parks, office, parking lots; I’ve watched them take in every detail, from the shoe’s heel height, to the style of clothing, to the hair, and of course the breast and ass. My mom is a pro at this; whenever I see a blond bomb shell pass our table at Olive Garden I immediately watch her every move and then wait for the comment “I can’t believe she is wearing that”. It kills me every time.
• Women’s looks are judged harder then men’s – I’ll give this win to the women, BUT men aren’t far behind in this race. Guys use to have it really easy, BUT thanks to the “Metro sexual” world, we now have to spend a shit ton of money in clothing and are held to the same standards of looking good as women have. Take for the example the Ed Hardy line, once upon a time ago this stuff was popular. NOW all of a sudden its Jersey Shore trash, and a man is made fun of who chooses to recklessly match jeans and t-shirts with fake tattoos and ED HARDY across the top. Baggy jeans use to be fine, NOT any more and I just read that skinny jeans are now not ok; Shaved heads use to be fine but now it’s not; A man use to be able to be somewhat husky and be fine, NOT any more; if you’re white as Casper you better find a tanning bed (did I mention how bad tanning is for you!?); I could go on, but I am pretty sure you get the point. The bottom line is that both men and women are obsessed with looks and as Lauryn Hill puts it “…only concerned about that thing…”, so ladies pay the middle attention and buy those boobs (it’s an investment); men get your ass to the gyms and make sure you have a six pack in a cooler!
• Women mature faster then men - FALSE!!! If this was the case then why do you always see those girls that act like they’re in high school still even though they graduated 6 years ago? You know which ones I mean! Or how about the girls that think they’re hot (when they’re not) and feel they can get whatever they want? Women and men mature at the same rate, some more and better than others.
• Women aren’t paid what men are paid – apparently the women whom have said this haven’t heard about strip clubs. Lets face it, if you can make hundreds by simply taking your clothes off, dancing around on a pole, and have men throw cash at you WHAT are you complaining about!? In fact it’s a damn good thing I wasn’t a female cause we’d all know where I’d be working at. But its not just there, I know so many places that only want to hire women such as bars and what not. Lets face it, if you’re a hot female your going to get hired and more than likely paid more. As for the “ugly” women, you should have listened to Cosmos.
• Women often say “females are more responsible than men, and that’s why we handle everything”. The problem with this statement are two things:
A.) Males let females handle everything because females usually feel that there is only one way of doing it. I’ve seen so many of my friend couples fight over stupid shit like this; I can’t begin to tell you. “There is more than one way to skin a cat” and not everyone is going to see or feel that one way is better than the next.
B.) Males are honestly very responsible; it’s just we have a more laid back way of handling things. Men usually identify a problem, fix it, and then crack open a beer after. Its really all about fixing the problem.. NOT about HOW bad it is.
Again, not every male and female fall into these scenarios, but a good bit do. I know we all have stories of “friends” or people we know that just down right don’t fit into the stereotype, but these are simple observations which lead me to have my stereotype.
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