Goals are over rated; any one can make a “goal” up and define what achievement is. And if your vocabulary is large enough you can make a “mow hill sound like a mountain”. The reality is that goals show up in our lives to constantly remind us that we DO fail at things. For example here were my goals several years ago:
Finish 4 year degree - FAIL
Move FAR away - FAIL
Travel FAR away - FAIL
The 4 year degree failed due to not enough hours in the day, moving failed due to my commitment in not picking up in leaving, and traveling failed due to the lack of money. They were my goals, and I’ve failed at all of them. BUT here are the events that occurred that weren’t goals.
Finished 2 year degree
Bought a house – (WHICH will now prevent me from moving any where for a few years)
I did travel to AZ which is pretty far.
I feel the same thing occurs at work for my “career goals”. I am sitting here looking at the questing “what do you want to do when you grow up” and I still can’t answer the damn thing. I have no idea, are you asking me what is realistic or what I dream about? What would be awesome, or what would pay the bills? And what is the age limit on this?
The bottom line is I HAVE not the slightest clue, nor do I really give a shit no more! And even if I do figure it out I am more than likely not qualified or have the experience needed.
When I was young I wanted to be a dolphin trainer, I should have done it. However the jobs are scarce and from what I understand you don’t get paid shit (In fact I am pretty sure your paid in fish). Instead I entered the wonderful world of business and IT, where some D-bag in academia comes up with a fucked up theory and then crams it down all the students’ throats. Those students then get into HR or some god awful position and know nothing but that theory; and can’t think outside the text book to save their damn lives. And it’s for this reason I blame higher education for taking corporate America to where it’s at today. I mean think about it, who invented the theory for S.M.A.R.T goals?
You don’t need to use S.M.A.R.T for real goals, they have all that in them when you set it. S.M.A.R.T was made up for…well made up goals; it makes them sound better. I like to call S.M.A.R.T goals DUMB goals:
D - Detailed
U - Unrelated
M – Made up
B – Bull shit
See.. now will my theory be lectured at PSU? NO!!
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