When I grew up there was ALWAYS a clear winner and loser; and if you are wondering I was usually on the losing team. But that was life, you win some and you loose some. BUT NOW days the losers are just as much praised as the winners; minus the whole party afterwards. Why? Moral, self esteem, personal growth, pride; I could go on! God for bid if Mrs. Smith’s child isn’t as good as the Miller’s. We need to level the playing field; talent and skill don’t mean shit. My theory on this stems from our government; and before you get all crazy and shit just calm down and hear me out.
I don’t want to hear Democrats are better than Republicans, or vice versa; or it’s Bushes’s fault! So gays calm, and old people change your depends!! Our government (several years and parties wroth) AND population have made America into a helpless, clingy, can’t think for themselves type of country it is today.
Here is the theory; A government is to its country, what a parent is to their child (I need to copy right this shit!). I am not a parent, but I see and know more than what some of these people who DO have kids. If you bail your kid out of EVERY situation, make excuses for them, don’t discipline them, and don’t make them take personal responsibility for their actions. They become a helpless, irresponsible, won’t move out of your house, pussy type of person. Sound familiar? It should, its kind of what is happening with our government and population. Then everyone sits around dumb founded as to why our country isn’t what it use to be; BUT no one wants to start correcting the issue. Our found fathers are more than likely turning over in their graves right now.
So your thinking to yourself “ if you think you know how to fix it…then do it”. The problem is I DO KNOW how to fix it, I just don’t have the money, the bull shit, the friends, or the popularity to get into office. And on top of all that, this country would go into SHOCK and I would more than likely be assassinated. For starters I would audit the Social Security System; I remember this MTV episode where Old Dirty Bastards rolled up in a limo to collect his welfare; yeah.. I threw up a little in my mouth. That should prove to you that more than half the people on it shouldn’t be. But our country supports laziness and rewards it. Anyhow, it would be audited; if you’re on it because you’re “too heavy” to work, guess what? You’d be given a month and a personal trainer; after that, you’re CUT OFF. If you’re on it because you can’t afford to support your 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. child then guess what. You should have thought about that when that tool fucked you without wrapping it up (guys/tools your not off the hook either). I could go on, but I’d be here forever and my ADD is starting to kick in. As for these companies needing a “bail out”; NO not happening. While your employees don’t get shit for raises, your off in the company car or G4 heading to the company’s suite at the ball park! Sorry, you’re paid all that money as a CEO to help lead your company in hard times. If you fail, then your company fails with you; GROW a PAIR and get creative!
I am not about to get into everything that is wrong, I am pretty sure everyone knows by now. But as you can see, I wouldn’t get voted in and I am pretty sure I would be assassinated. But I would show this country something that it needs and NO politician will show it; TOUGH LOVE! And why? They need to get voted back in next term, which everyone knows they wouldn’t.
But it’s not fair to blame our government in its entirety. No one gives a damn anymore, and the ones that do are slowly starting to get fed up with it. The one morning at the gym I was watching “Good Morning America”, one of two guests they had on the show was a woman who wrote a book titled: “I see rude people”. She was explaining how she is shocked and amazed at how rude our culture is. She went on to explain about how no one even holds a door for others and more. I wanted to call in and explain to her why. I use to hold the door for people, ALL the damn time. You know what happens, YOUR TAKEN advantage of; next thing you know YOU yourself can’t even get in (or out). And VERY few even acknowledge that you are holding the door for them! Hell now days I’ve open a door for myself and SOMEONE else comes strolling through (don’t even get me started about how NO ONE uses the OTHER door!). Any how, if you’re nice in this day and age you’re taken advantage of. OH by the way, the other guest on the show was Mike “the situation” from MTV’s Jersey Shore (mad props to whoever planned this one).
But all that is ok, because EVERYONE IS famous and SO unique. “Just look how many comments, “likes”, and friends are on my Facebook.. you ain’t up on this!” The American dream use to be to own a home or business…well that’s proven to be a bust. The new American Dream is to be on TV and famous. And people are willing to do that at all costs. But you won’t find good ethical people, who can make a difference in the world on TV; NO, their boring. The world wants to see party going, popular, drama filled, sexy/hot, complete douche bag people live their scripted lives on TV. Hence the reason reality TV shows where born. And can I say, never have I WANTED SOMETHING SO BADLY! So we all run around buying Benzs (yeah I bought an ML350.. turned out to be a piece of shit and $1000 less I am back to my old car), poppn’ bottles in the club, and copping that LV just to see how many people will noticed how COOL you are; hell it’s the reason I bought a Lexus.
Then the egos enflame, with the attitude of I am just as cool and important as Snookie; so why should I open the door for you…HELL you should be opening the door for ME.
“…most people think their unique, but very few really are…”
Jeffry Sterba. AMWater CEO
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